Sunday, January 6, 2013

My first Essie

Or rather – my first Essie disappointment. I was in a drugstore in Germany and there was an Essie rack with Essie Winter Collection. It was not full, but I saw a gorgeous blue polish named Butler please and I thought to myself, I have a job now, I can afford to buy a higher priced polish if I want to. I don’t want to splurge too much though because I know my addiction to polishes would cost me much more if I went off buying expensive polishes like I do the cheap ones. But I can treat myself occasionally with a bottle or two! ;)

Then came the time to try it on! …and then I was disheartened. The formula… awful. The application was streaky, I couldn’t even it out, it kept on bubbling like crazy… I don’t know how many layers of it I’ve put on for it to be decent. And I wasn’t happy at all. Too much trouble and still not a pretty application. Too bad, because the color is just perfect. It dried in a weird finish, semi matte plastic or what would I call it. I kind of like that, but the formula is just bad.




My advice – if you see it on the rack, don’t buy it. It’s just not worth the money (I think it was 7€?) and the troubles, no matter how beautiful this color is. All that glitters is not gold – not even Essie.


  1. Škoda, da si naletela ravno na takšen lak. Jaz jih imam par in sem z čisto vsakim zadovoljna. So mi v bistvu Essiji od teh malo dražjih lakcev še najboljši. Poskusi še kakšnega drugega, sem ziher, da ne boš razočarana :D

    1. Ja lih ta je moral bit tak... sej bom sigurno dala še kakšno priliko, tudi temu konkretnemu =)

  2. Kot bi opisovala mojo prvo izkušnjo z Essie lakom, jaz sem bila tudi tako razočarana nad nanosom, krtačko in tudi nad barvo, ker je prišla na nohtih čisto drugačna ven, kot je bila v steklenički (kupila sem neon barvo). Sem pa jaz dala 10 € zanj in mi je bilo zato še bolj žal. Sem točno ta lak gledala zadnjič, ko sem bila v Salzburgu, ampak mi je prvo razočaranje preprečilo, da bi ga kupila. Je pa sama barva prekrasna. Vse punce so tako navdušene nad Essie laki, sem prej vedno mislila, da sem edina, ki so jo razočarali. Če ne bi bili tako dragi, bi še kakega vzela, da bi videla, če so drugi kaj boljši.

    1. Uh, še dobro, da si ga nisi kupla! From now on pogledam ocene teh dražjih lakov vnaprej, res pa da nisem niti planirala tega nakupa niti pričakovala razočaranja, ker je pač Essie... no ja, več sreče prihodnjič =)

  3. Hmm škoda za takšno izkušnjo, jaz imam tudi samo enega, ker mi je škoda dati take denarje za en lak, ampak moj je rdeč običen, pa sem zelo zadovoljna z njim. Je pa tale res prekrasna modra barva o.O

    1. Včeraj sem na enem blogu opazila oceno tega laka, lastnica pa je nad njim navdušena. Rekla mi je, da je kot podlak uporabila ridge filler in da ni imela nikakršnih težav z nanosom kot jaz - mogoče bi morala probat tko, ker barva je ubijalska =)

    2. To pa čisto možno, da kaj pomaga pri nanosu! Barva ga res zmaga!

  4. It's such a pity you had so much trouble with it! I own the same shade and it was easy to apply! though the semi-matte finish was already known and I actually like it!

    1. Really?? That's strange, it's like there are two versions of this polish... it's either loved or hated by bloggers... most of them hated the formula (I went searching reviews after I've tried it on to see if I'm the only one).
      I like the semi-matte finish too =) What kind of a base coat do you use?
