Monday, October 28, 2013

Sleek Ultra Mattes Darks V2 review – ocena palete senčil

Predstavljam vam oceno paletke, ki sem jo kot blogerka kupila po posebni ponudbi spletne drogerije Moja Drogerija, gre za mat senčila znamke Sleek z imenom Ultra Mattes Darks V2.

Here's another review of a Sleek palette that I bought in a special blogger offer from Moja Drogerija, this is Sleek Ultra Mattes Darks V2.

Nekaj slik izpod luči:

Here are photos taken under artificial light:


Tako pa paleta izgleda na dnevni svetlobi:

And here’s another photo of it in the daylight:

Kot pri oceni palete senčil Vintage Romance LE sem tudi tu slikala posamezne sence, v zgornji vrsti si sledijo “Orbit”…

I also took some shots of individual shades, just like I did with Vintage Romance LE, starting with the top row here is “Orbit”…










…“Pillow talk”


V drugi vrsti so “Thunder”…

And in the second row we have “Thunder”…






…”Paper bag”…




…zadnja pa se imenuje ”Fern”

…and the last one is called ”Fern”


Na spodnji sliki so vzorci odtenkov ali po domače “swatchi” zgornje vrste palete brez baze:

And here are the swatches I made with no primer, top row:

…sledijo odtenki spodnje vrste:

…and bottom row:

Senčila so krasno pigmentirana (mat senčila so večkrat problematična v tem smislu). Pri opisu lastnosti palete ponovno ugotavljam iste razloge, zakaj sem tako zaljubljena v Sleek senčila - pigmentacija je čudovita, krasno se zabrisujejo, cena je super nizka in so v lepi embalaži z velikim ogledalom, priročni za v torbico. Všeč mi je celo njihov dvostranski spužvasti aplikator, ki ga priložijo za nanos senčil, čeprav v resnici vseeno skoraj vedno uporabljam čopiče (moram pa omeniti, da je čopič, priložen v Sleek Primer paleti naravnost grozen, prav tako so slabi Sleek čopiči za rdečilo/puder in senčilo za oči v žepni izdaji). Ponovno ugotavljam, da je edini minus ta, da se trosijo, tako po obrazu, kar me ne moti, kot znotraj palete, kar pa je lahko moteče, a meni dovolj zanemarljivo v primerjavi z dobrimi lastnostmi. Izdelek lahko najdete v Moji Drogeriji

The pigmentation is amazing (mattes can be problematic in this sense). There is not much more I can say about this one other than this is another example of why I'm so in love with Sleek - great pigmentation, blends divinely, super cheap and I love their packaging with a huge mirror inside, handy to fit in a purse. I even like the two-sided sponged applicators they put inside, admitting I mostly use my brushes (but I have to say the brush in SleekPrimer palette is abhoring and so are the pocket size brushes "Blusher/Powder" and "Eyeshadow" I own fromSleek). The only down side again is the fallout, if you mind it (as I've mentioned before, I don't care about it on my face, I do mind it a little bit when the shades mix in the palette itself though, nevertheless the bonuses of this product are in my opinion far greater so I can overlook this flaw easily). Slovenian readers can get it here.


  1. Kako je lepa <3 Najlepše barve pa še mat. I'm in love ;)
