Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My USA haul

I’m so happy of what I’m about to show you today =)) I have a friend from USA that visits Slovenia every two months or so and I’ve asked him if he can order some stuff for me and bring it here and he said it’s no problem =)) So I went hunting for stamping plates on Amazon (I like the ones I have but I’m a little fed up with the same image patterns). I found and ordered two sets, Red Angel 101-121 and Mash 26-50 stamping plates (for 17$ and 16$, shipping included).

And right at that time I saw this add on a foreign blog:


Three Zoyas for free, just the cost of shipping! I know it says USA only, but he’s from USA and he ordered three polishes of my own choice for 10$! That’s three Zoyas! =))) I couldn’t wait for him to arrive again! =) Here’s what he brought me:

- Red Angel stamping plates:



Here are the patterns (picture from Amazon):

red angel plates

- Mash stamping plates:


The patterns from their add are almost invisible, so I chose to link a lovely review from Marta (ChitChatNails) if you want to see the images =)

- last but definitely not least, my three Zoyas, Crystal, Aurora and Tru:



OMG OMG OMG, I’m sooooo happy!!! =)))) Thanks for checking this out! =))

Sunday, February 24, 2013

NOTD: Catrice – Steel my soul

Hello, I finally have a free weekend to post again =) Today I’ll show you a polish that is being discontinued by Catrice and if you like it I really recommend buying it. The pictures are old, I wore this in autumn but had no time to publish it then. All photos were taken indoors under artificial light, the first photo with flash. You can admire my nubbins here ;)




The finish is what they call a brushed metal effect, definitely not glossy, a special matte, suede. I love this!!! The color depends on the light whether it’s more grey or somewhat dirty lilac. Did I tell you how much I love this polish? =)) I wore two layers of it, it applied nicely, dried decently quickly, no top coat (or else I would ruin the finish). Do you like it? Get it while it’s still being sold! =)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Slovenian bloggers post – 7/2013

Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to last week?
Hey, don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Katiee did an orange and nude leopard manicure.

Deja did a dramatic neutral makeup.

Check this Valentine's day mani from Uniqua Poly.

Wanna learn how to make rice souffle?

Maja G. got a new fragrance.

Another recipe! This one is by Lollistick.

Dee did a Valentine's day tag.

Maja chose her 2012's favourites.

Taya tried her Fleur de Sante products.

Check Essie's Too Too Hot on Zala's page.

Mateja did a zombie mani by accident. And is babbling again.

Have you heard of iPotty before? iStant writes about it.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fleur de Santé mineralno senčilo za oči v prahu – mineral face shimmer

Današnji izdelek, ki ga predstavljam, je zadnji iz paketa, ki sem ga prejela od Fleur de Santé v oceno. Gre za mineralno senčilo za oči v prahu v srebrni barvi, na spletni strani imenovano “Metallic Mineral”, na izdelku pa je na dnu označen kot “Mercury”.

Today I present to you the last product from the package I received from Fleur de Santé to review. It is mineral face shimmer in silver, on the website it is called “Metallic Mineral” but on the product itself it is named “Mercury”.





Po opisu na spletni strani, po imenu in po izgledu v embalaži sodeč sem sklepala, da gre za srebrne bleščice. Vendar že prvi testni nanos je pokazal, da se motim! To niso samo srebrne bleščice, svetijo se tudi zlato!

Judging by the website, the name of the product and the way it looks like in the container, I was under the assumption that this metallic powder is silver. Yet the first test application on my arm showed that I was wrong, this powder is not just silver, it shines as golden as well!


Preizkusila sem jih tudi na očeh, nanesla sem jih preko baze kot vse pigmente. Kot pri vseh pigmentih se je nekaj bleščic znašlo tudi drugje po obrazu, po končanem ličenju oči sem morala obrisati obraz. Ličilo je nežno, lepo se svetlika. Nenačrtovano se je prah preslikal tudi na črn eyeliner, ki sem ga nanesla na zgornjo veko, vendar mi je bil efekt všeč, črta je bila še vedno črna, a se je tudi srebrno-zlato svetlikala. Mislim, da je idealen za vsakodnevno uporabo!

I tried it on my eyes as well, I applied it over eyeshadow base as any other pigment. Like with any other pigments some glitter has found its way on other parts of my face, after finishing make up on my eyes I had to wipe my face to remove it. The color is gentle, it sparkles nicely. Some of the powder transferred to my black eyeliner on my upper lid, but I ended up liking the effect, the line was still black but it also had a silvery-golden sheen. I think it is perfect for everyday use!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fleur de Santé nourishing nail and cuticle oil – hranljivo olje za obnohtno kožico in nohte

V paketu izdelkov, ki sem jih prejela v oceno od slovenske ekipe Fleur de Santé, je tudi hranljivo olje za obnohtno kožico in nohte. Na spletni strani je takle opis:

“Negovalno olje za nohte in obnohtno kožico s hranilnimi izvlečki mandlja, vlažilne jojobe in avokada.

Mandelj izboljša polt in ohranja sijaj. Dobro je poznan po intenzivnem vlaženju in hranilnih sposobnostih. Jojoba zagotavlja celodnevno vlaženje, ki kožo naredi mehko in gladko. Avokado je najboljši sadni vir bistvenega vitamina E in nudi vlaženje ter ima hranilno moč.”

Among other products that were given to me by Slovenian team Fleur de Santé was also Fleur de Santé nourishing nail and cuticle oil. The description on the website is:

“Nourishing nail and cuticle oil with almond, jojoba and avocado extract.

Almond improves your complexion and maintains shine. It is well known by its intense moisturizing and nourishing abilities. Jojoba provides all-day hydration that makes the skin soft and smooth. Avocado is the best fruit source of vitamin E and provides hydration and nourishment.”


Moja obnohtna kožica je vedno izsušena, zato je tak izdelek v moji kozmetični torbici nujen. Sicer uporabljam Lushev Lemony Flutter, ki je super, ampak ker se tako hudo počasi vpija, ga nosim samo čez noč s kozmetičnimi rokavicami. Drug tak izdelek, ki ga nosim zmeraj v torbi, je Dependov Myrrh Oil, zdi se mi priročen, ker je v mali Dependovi steklenički, kakršno imajo tudi njihovi laki (imam manjšo verzijo tega olja). Oba moja dosedanja izdelka za obnohtno kožico imata vonj po limonah (zanimivo, ne? ;)). Vseeno sem z veseljem preizkusila še tega! Aplikator izgleda tako:

My cuticles are always dry so this kind of a product is a must in my cosmetic bag. I otherwise use Lemony Flutter by Lush which is amazing but it absorbs so painfully slow that I use it only during the night with my cosmetic gloves. The other product I always carry with me in my bag is Depend’s Myrrh Oil which I find to be practically filled in a small Depend bottle they normally use for their polishes (I own the smaller version of this oil). Both of these products have a lemony smell (interesting, right? ;)). Nevertheless, I was thrilled to try this one out! The applicator looks like this:


Takole pa izgleda olje na moji roki:

And this is what oil looks like on my hand:


Prva stvar, ki sem jo opazila kot posebno, je, da olje neverjetno lepo diši! Ima nežen vonj, spominja me na parfum, pa se ne morem spomniti na katerega, ampak če ga poizkusim opisati (slaba sem v opisovanju vonjev), bi rekla da je nežen cvetlično-sadni vonj. Tale aplikator je super, z njim lahko naneseš minimalno količino olja, ki se potem zelo hitro vpije, ali pa s stiskom tubice dodaš količino (večja količina se vpije počasneje). Olje samo opravlja svojo funkcijo povsem zadovoljivo, težko pa bi rekla, da se po efektu bistveno razlikuje od ostalih izdelkov, ki jih imam. Vsekakor je primeren izdelek za v torbico, saj me ljudje včasih postrani gledajo, ko se “lakiram” z Dependovim oljem, se mi je pa tudi že zgodilo, da stekleničke nisem dovolj dobro zaprla in je bila steklenička mastna… zdaj pa jo zapiram tako močno, da je sama ne morem odpreti =P Iz tega razloga mi je embalaža Fleur de Santé olja bolj prijazna, res pa zasede malo več prostora v torbici. Izdelek mi je bil podarjen, vendar tudi če bi si ga sama kupila, nakupa nikakor ne bi obžalovala.

The first special thing I noticed was that this oil smells incredible! It has a delicate scent and it reminds me of some perfume, but I cannot remember which one, if I try to describe it (I am bad at describing smells), I would say it’s soft flowery-fruity scent. The applicator is great, you can apply a minimal quantity of oil which absorbs quickly or you can add quantity with a slight squeeze of the tube (bigger quantities absorb a little bit slower). The oil itself does it’s job perfectly well, but it’s hard to say that it’s much different by its effects from the other similar products I own. It is certainly a good product to carry around in a bag because people tend to look at me funny when I “polish” my nails with Depend Myrrh Oil. It has also happened to me before, that I didn’t close the bottle enough and it was all greasy… now I close it so hard that I have trouble opening it by myself =P  For that reason I think the Fleur de Santé oil’s packaging is better, but it does take up a little bit more space. The product was given to me to review, but even if I bought it myself, I would not regret buying it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Slovenian bloggers post – 5/2013

Want to know what Slovenian bloggers were up to last week?
Hey, don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Nuša - Moonchild has a new domain and did Enchanted Forest mani.

Taya continues with her Once Upon a Time series and did a Blue Fairy make up and nail art.

Velvet blue hearts on nails? You can see them on Katiee's blog!

Ulmiel received some products from Bioderma and all Slovenian readers can see how they can get them too!

Thinking of buying Tartre mascara? Read Maja's review!

Matejas started with Taya's Once Upon a Time challenge.

Zala was lucky enough to catch a Catrice Neo Geisha polish! Check which one.

Dee did a rosegold glitter mani, see how it looks.

Maja Ena is still continuing with her exercise, check her February calendar.

Erika wrote about preservatives in cosmetics.

Do you want to get something special for Valentine's day? Check pumpkin*'s giveaway!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fleur de Santé Flushy Honey rdečilo za lica (blush)

Kot sem že povedala v eni od prejšnjih objav, slovenska ekipa Fleur de Santé me je prosila za oceno nekaterih njihovih produktov, med njimi je rdečilo za lica Amaze - Flushy Honey:

As I’ve said in one of my previous posts, Slovenian team of Fleur de Santé has sent me some of their products to test out, one of them is a blush Amaze – Flushy Honey:





Rdečilo je rjavkasto z drobnim šimrom, ki daje sijaj, ni pa bleščeče. Seveda sem ga preizkusila tudi na obrazu, previdno z nanosom, rdečilo je dobro pigmentirano, rajši začnite z manj in dodajajte, če se vam zdi premalo močno. Zelo lepo se ga je dalo tudi zabrisati (blendati). Zares sem vesela, da sem ga prejela, saj sem prav nekaj takega iskala, predvsem pa mi je všeč zlatkast sijaj, ki se ga sicer vidi samo na blizu. O tem rdečilu nimam prav nobene slabe besede. Priporočam! =)

The blush is brownish with small shimmer that gives glow and is not glittery. I tried it on my cheeks as well and I have to warn you, be careful upon application, it is very well pigmented, start with less and build it up if you have to. It blended really nicely as well. I am so happy to have gotten it, I was just looking for something like that, I especially like the golden shimmer that is visible only on close proximity. I really have nothing bad to say about this one, I recommend it! =)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

NOTD: Fleur de Santé Sparkling Pink stamped

V prejšnji objavi sem vam pokazala Fleur de Santé Sparkling Pink lak. Ker mi je bilo njegovo lesketanje preveč všeč, ga nisem želela odstraniti (pravzaprav je še vedno na mojih nohtih), zato sem se odločila, da ga poštempljam z mojimi novimi Red Angel šablonami iz ZDA (moj nakup stvari iz ZDA bom sicer predstavila v posebni objavi). Lak, ki sem ga uporabila za štempljanje, je Konadov Princess Violet Pearl. Ne bom več odlašala s slikami, povejo več kot besede! ;)

In my previous post I showed you my new Fleur de Santé polish Sparkling Pink. The sparkling was so pretty I didn’t want to take it off (it’s still on my nails btw), so I decided to stamp it with my brand new Red Angel stamping plates I got from USA (I will show my USA haul in a separate post). The stamping polish is Konad Princess Violet Pearl. Let’s just get to it, pictures speak louder than words! ;)

Umetna svetloba:

Artificial lighting:



Ker nas je v tej zimi celo obiskal sonček, sem ujela še nekaj lesketanja na soncu (btw na soncu sem slikala, ko je bil lak že štiri dni na mojih nohtih, danes je peti dan, pa se sploh ne kruši, na konicah samo dveh nohtov je minimalna obraba – malo se vidi, da so mi vmes nohti zrasli):

Because we managed to get some sun in this winter, I captured some sparkling in the sun (btw I took these photos in the sun after wearing the polish for four days, today it’s the fifth day and there is absolutely no chipping, minimal tipwear is shown just on two nails – you can see they have grown a little bit in the meantime):



Še detajl:

In detail:


Rahlo me skrbi, da se bom morala fajn potrudit, da ga odstranim ;)

I’m a little bit worried I’ll have to work hard to get it off ;)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fleur de Santé – Sparkling Pink

Nekaj časa nazaj me je kontaktirala slovenska ekipa Fleur de Santé z vprašanjem, če sem pripravljena testirati nekaj njihovih produktov in podati oceno o njih na svojem blogu. Pripravljena sem bila sodelovati in tako sem prejšnji teden prejela pošto z izdelki, s katerimi sem zadovoljna nad pričakovanjem – saj poznate to, ko podjetja v katalogu ali na internetni strani ponujajo izdelke, pa so odtenki ličil na sliki drugačni kot v resnici, ali pa je odtenek mogoče pravi, vendar ličilo ni kvalitetno… danes vam predstavljam prvi izdelek, ki sem ga probala, lak za nohte Sparkling Pink.

A while ago I was contacted by Slovenian Fleur de Santé team with a question whether I am interested in testing some of their products and writing my opinions on them on my blog. I was willing to try them out so last week I got the package with their products. I have to say they are much much better than I expected them to be – you know the feeling when companies put pictures of products in catalogue or internet and the picture they are displaying is nothing like the real product, or maybe the shade is right but the quality is bad… well here is the first product I tested, the nail polish Sparkling Pink.



Lak ima primerno ime in je zelo bleščeč, vendar je imel moj fotoaparat svoje predstave o tem, kaj vidi, zato sem imela težave zajeti ves lesk. Že v steklenički je viden droben shimmer/bleščice različnih barv, predvsem so v primerjavi z osnovno svetlo roza bazo tu in tam izstopale modre mini bleščice, vendar sem bila skeptična, koliko tega je na koncu vidno na nohtih. Čas je bil, da ga preizkusim!

The polish has the right name, boy it’s sparkly! Unfortunately I couldn’t really capture all the sparkling right with my camera. You could see it in the bottle that it contains small shimmer/glitter of different colors, mainly the tiny blue glitters stood out from the light pink base, but I was skeptical of how much of that would transfer to nails. It was time to put it on!

Na soncu:

In the sun:


In pod umetno svetlobo:

And under artificial lighting:




Na zadnji sliki se na sredincu in  mezincu vidi, kako se lak lesketa v različnih barvah, čudovito! =) Še detajl:

You can see the sparkling in the last picture, gorgeous! =) In detail:


Lak se lepo maže, suši se hitro, všeč mi je kratek čopič, ki sicer ni nič posebnega, vendar so taki danes že redki ;) Na žalost pa je velik minus po mojem mnenju prosojnost. Po začetni normalno debeli prvi plasti sem ugotovila, da bi jih rabila še deset takih, če bi želela doseči popolno prekrivnost. Druga in tretja plast laka sta tako bili zelo debeli, pod določenimi koti pa se še vedno vidijo obrisi konice nohta. Temu se bom naslednjič izognila tako, da ga bom uporabila preko baznega laka podobne barve, saj je lak vseeno prečudovit, da bi zaradi tega postal pozabljen. Kako bi se lahko uprla temu, da mi vsake toliko pomežikne kakšna modra mini bleščica? ;)

The polish applies nicely, it dries fast, I like the short brush which is not really special but getting rare these days ;) Unfortunately opacity is a big minus in my opinion. After applying the first normal layer I figured I would need ten more of those to reach full opacity. The second and the third layer were thus very thick, nevertheless the nail line is still visible under some angles. Next time I will use it over a base polish of similar color, because I still think it is too gorgeous to be forgotten just because of that. How could I resist it when from time to time a small blue glitter winks at me? ;)

So tudi vam všeč taki odtenki lakov?

Do you like that kind of shades of polish as well as I do?