Tuesday, February 5, 2013

NOTD: Fleur de Santé Sparkling Pink stamped

V prejšnji objavi sem vam pokazala Fleur de Santé Sparkling Pink lak. Ker mi je bilo njegovo lesketanje preveč všeč, ga nisem želela odstraniti (pravzaprav je še vedno na mojih nohtih), zato sem se odločila, da ga poštempljam z mojimi novimi Red Angel šablonami iz ZDA (moj nakup stvari iz ZDA bom sicer predstavila v posebni objavi). Lak, ki sem ga uporabila za štempljanje, je Konadov Princess Violet Pearl. Ne bom več odlašala s slikami, povejo več kot besede! ;)

In my previous post I showed you my new Fleur de Santé polish Sparkling Pink. The sparkling was so pretty I didn’t want to take it off (it’s still on my nails btw), so I decided to stamp it with my brand new Red Angel stamping plates I got from USA (I will show my USA haul in a separate post). The stamping polish is Konad Princess Violet Pearl. Let’s just get to it, pictures speak louder than words! ;)

Umetna svetloba:

Artificial lighting:



Ker nas je v tej zimi celo obiskal sonček, sem ujela še nekaj lesketanja na soncu (btw na soncu sem slikala, ko je bil lak že štiri dni na mojih nohtih, danes je peti dan, pa se sploh ne kruši, na konicah samo dveh nohtov je minimalna obraba – malo se vidi, da so mi vmes nohti zrasli):

Because we managed to get some sun in this winter, I captured some sparkling in the sun (btw I took these photos in the sun after wearing the polish for four days, today it’s the fifth day and there is absolutely no chipping, minimal tipwear is shown just on two nails – you can see they have grown a little bit in the meantime):



Še detajl:

In detail:


Rahlo me skrbi, da se bom morala fajn potrudit, da ga odstranim ;)

I’m a little bit worried I’ll have to work hard to get it off ;)


  1. Replies
    1. Hvala, sem se že malo naveličala Konadovih in Kandovih, pa sem si privoščila nove ;)

  2. Love the stamping polish you used :)
    I love your work and I am a big fan :) I have nominated you for the Versatile blogger award ... Stop by my blogg and check out the rules :)
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