V današnji objavi vam bom predstavila olje za obnohtno kožico znamke Micro Cell 2000, ki mi je bilo poslano v oceno s strani spletne drogerije Click2Chick – ponovno so me izbrali kot eno od ambasadork meseca, tokrat za mesec oktober =)
Today’s review is about a Micro Cell 2000 nail rescue oil that was sent to me from Slovenian internet drugstore Click2Chick, since I got chosen to be one of the ambassadors of the month again =)
Na spletni strani je navedeno:
Vsebuje visoko kakovostna rastlinska olja, vitamine A, B5, C, E & F, kremen in citral.Ta edinstvena kombinacija zgladi in ščiti obnohtno kožico pred izsušitvijo in omogoči hranljivim izvlečkom prodreti globoko v sredico nohta in ga obnovi s potrebnim oljem. Hrani in navlaži nohte in jim obnovi naravno prožnost ter varuje konice pred lomljenjem in cepljenjem.
Nanos: Nanesite na očiščene nelakirane nohte in dobro vmasirajte. Umijte in osušite roke pred nanosom laka.
Upoštevala sem navodila in ga nanesla na očiščene nelakirane nohte, pri čemer sem opazila, da jih olje s svojo barvo rahlo rumenkasto obarva:
On the web page it says:
Nail rescue oil contains high-quality plant oils, vitamin A, B5, C, E & F, silica and citral. This unique combination soothes and protects the cuticles from drying out and replaces missing nail oil in the nail plate. The nails are moisturized, well maintained and retain their natural flexibility, which protects against chipping and tearing of the nail tips.
Application: Apply on unvarnished and cleaned nails and massage in gently. Before application of nail polishes, wash and dry hands and nails thoroughly.
I followed the instructions and applied it on my unvarnished and cleaned nails, I’ve noticed that the oil’s color leaves them looking a bit yellowish:
Nato sem olje nežno vmasirala in pustila nekaj časa, da se vpije.
Then I gently massaged it in and let it absorb for some time.
Pred nanosom katerega koli laka je seveda potrebno roke oprati. Olje ima zelo blag prijeten vonj po citrusih. Po enomesečni uporabi ugotavljam, da svojo nalogo dobro opravlja, ob redni uporabi je obnohtna kožica nahranjena. Minus, ki ga olje ima, je ta, da se ne vpije najhitreje (ni pa tako počasen kot npr. Lemony Flutter od LUSHa), drugi minus pa je precej visoka cena. Kljub siceršnji pozitivni oceni ne vidim, v čem je to olje toliko boljše od cenejših konkurenčnih, ki prav tako dobro opravijo svojo nalogo. Morda so moji nohti trenutno že sami po sebi v tako dobrem stanju (trkam po lesu), da ne vidim bistvene razlike. V kolikor bi ga želeli testirati sami, ga lahko naročite tule.
Before applying any nail polish you absolutely need to wash your hands. The oil has a gentle lovely scent of citruses. After a one month use I can say that it does it’s job well, if you use it regularly the cuticles are moisturized. The minus it has is that it takes some time to absorb (however it is not as slowly absorbing as for example Lemony Flutter from LUSH). The other minus is the relatively high price it has. Even though I give it a positive review, I can’t see in what way is it better than oils from other manufacturers that are cheaper and do the job just as good. Maybe my nails are now in a too good condition by themselves (knocking on woods) that I don’t see the difference. Slovenian readers can test for themselves by ordering it here.